5.4 Requesting a replacement device

You can request a replacement card for another person.

Note: To request a replacement mobile device for a person, that is, a device using a credential profile where the Card Encoding is Identity Agent, you must use the Request Replacement Mobile or Request Replacement Mobile (View Auth Code) options instead. See section 5.5, Requesting a replacement mobile device.

To request a replacement card:

  1. Search for a device, and view its details.

    See section 5.1, Searching for a device.

    Alternatively, insert the device into a reader.

    See section 5.2, Reading a device.

    You can also view a device from any form that contains a link to the device.

    For example:

    • Click the item in the list on the Devices tab of the View Person form.
    • Click the link icon on the Device Serial Number field of the View Request form.
  2. Click the Request Replacement Device option in the button bar at the bottom of the screen.

    You may have to click the ... option to see any additional available actions.

    The Request Replacement Device screen appears.

  3. The Credential Profile for the device being replaced is displayed.

    Note: If you are requesting a temporary replacement device, and there is a corresponding _temp credential profile, this is used automatically for the replacement device. The _temp credential profile is displayed in the resulting request. See the Temporary replacement credential profiles section in the Operator's Guide for details of _temp credential profiles.

  4. Select the Reason for the replacement from the drop-down list.

    The reason you select determines what happens to your original device and its certificates. including what happens to the recovery of archived certificates. See the Certificate reasons section in the Operator's Guide for details.

    Note: If the Delayed Cancellation Period configuration option (on the Devices page of the Operation Settings workflow) is set to a value greater than 0, there is an additional reason available: Device Replacement (Delayed Cancellation). If you select this option, the device and its certificates are not canceled immediately, but are canceled after the number of hours specified in the configuration option.

  5. Type any Notes.
  6. If the Set expiry date at request option (on the Issuance Processes page of the Operation Settings workflow) is set, you can set or amend the Maximum Expiry Date for the request. The expiry date cannot exceed the expiry date of the device being replaced. Within this limit, you can select any date up to the Maximum credential expiry date specified for the person (see section 4.4.1, Setting the person's status). Note, however, that you cannot exceed the Lifetime setting for the credential profile; if the request is made for a credential to expire on a date six months from now, but the credential profile has a lifetime of 30 days, the device will be issued with a lifetime of 30 days.

    The credential profile can override the Maximum credential expiry date set for the person if the Ignore User Expiry Date option on the credential profile is set.

  7. Click Save.